Allied to Aul. Doriae Bedel and resembling that species, but at once distinguished by the number of the fulvous spots on the elytra, these being four in number in Doriae and six in the new species. Length varying between 10,5 mm. and 7,5 mm. — Black; head and pronotum with a faint bronze hue; each elytron provided with three large fulvous yellow spots: one at the base, one at the middle, the third at a short distance from the apex. The spots are roundish or slightly transverse, neither of them touching the margin or suture, except the basal one which touches the basal margin of the elytra; this spot is minutely excised in front at the shoulder; the central spot is somewhat farther removed from the lateral margin than both the other spots
FIGURES 52–61. Diagnostic characters of Aulacophora indica (Gmelin). 52. Antenna, male; 53. Antenna,...
Niger; prothoracis lineis tribus, elytrorum linea suturali maculisque irregularibus squamulis viridi...
With the kind permission of the Director of the Leiden Museum and the able assistance of Mr. H. C. B...
Black below. Fulvous above. Thorax with two rows of punctures. Elytra strongly punctate-striate, ful...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
Length 20 mm., width of the shoulders of the elytra 10,5 mm. — Coppery bronze; above dull greenish b...
Length (the rostrum included) 14½ mm. — Black; very densely covered all over (with the exception how...
Head as long as broad. Rostrum somewhat longer than and continuous with it, slightly narrowed anteri...
Length 7 mm. — Elongate elliptical, much more broadly rounded in front than behind, convex (above an...
A very distinct species, easily recognizable by its bicoloured legs (yellow and pitchy) and by the r...
Length from the anterior margin of the prothorax to the apex of the elytra 10½ mm., width of the sho...
Agreeing in general appearance with the type of the genus, N. licheneus Pasc. (? = Anhammus conspers...
Three new species of Aulacophora are described from Sabah,Malaysia: A. danumensis n.sp., A. irpa n.s...
The Sumatran specimens before me, belong with one exception to the var. a. of Lacordaire, in which t...
FIGURES 52–61. Diagnostic characters of Aulacophora indica (Gmelin). 52. Antenna, male; 53. Antenna,...
Niger; prothoracis lineis tribus, elytrorum linea suturali maculisque irregularibus squamulis viridi...
With the kind permission of the Director of the Leiden Museum and the able assistance of Mr. H. C. B...
Black below. Fulvous above. Thorax with two rows of punctures. Elytra strongly punctate-striate, ful...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
Length 20 mm., width of the shoulders of the elytra 10,5 mm. — Coppery bronze; above dull greenish b...
Length (the rostrum included) 14½ mm. — Black; very densely covered all over (with the exception how...
Head as long as broad. Rostrum somewhat longer than and continuous with it, slightly narrowed anteri...
Length 7 mm. — Elongate elliptical, much more broadly rounded in front than behind, convex (above an...
A very distinct species, easily recognizable by its bicoloured legs (yellow and pitchy) and by the r...
Length from the anterior margin of the prothorax to the apex of the elytra 10½ mm., width of the sho...
Agreeing in general appearance with the type of the genus, N. licheneus Pasc. (? = Anhammus conspers...
Three new species of Aulacophora are described from Sabah,Malaysia: A. danumensis n.sp., A. irpa n.s...
The Sumatran specimens before me, belong with one exception to the var. a. of Lacordaire, in which t...
FIGURES 52–61. Diagnostic characters of Aulacophora indica (Gmelin). 52. Antenna, male; 53. Antenna,...
Niger; prothoracis lineis tribus, elytrorum linea suturali maculisque irregularibus squamulis viridi...
With the kind permission of the Director of the Leiden Museum and the able assistance of Mr. H. C. B...