A very distinct species, easily recognizable by its bicoloured legs (yellow and pitchy) and by the rough sculpture of the elytra (very uniformly granulated over the whole surface). Length 33 mm., that of the antennae 30 mm.; breadth at the shoulders 8 mm. — Covered with a pale goldenyellow dust-like pubescence; on the upper lip and metasternum the pubescence is longer and, on the latter, sericeous; the second and following joints of the antennae and the tarsi are almost naked
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
The Sumatran specimens before me, belong with one exception to the var. a. of Lacordaire, in which t...
Length of the male 44 mm., of the female 54 mm.; breadth at the shoulders in the male 15,5 mm., in t...
Length about 33 ram. — The whole insect, with the exception, however, of the 2nd and succeeding abdo...
Agreeing in general appearance with the type of the genus, N. licheneus Pasc. (? = Anhammus conspers...
Some days ago I received from Mr. J. D. Pasteur of Padang Sidempoean (res. Tapanoeli, Western Sumatr...
Length 20 mm., width of the shoulders of the elytra 10,5 mm. — Coppery bronze; above dull greenish b...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Length (the rostrum included) 14½ mm. — Black; very densely covered all over (with the exception how...
Some years ago, taking care of the entomological material, collected by Mr. Edw. Jacobson, I saw amo...
Length 38 mm., breadth at the shoulders 14 mm., length of the antennae 37 mm. — Black, covered with ...
Length 30 mm., breadth at the shoulders 7,5 mm. — Dark chestnut-brown, approaching to black on the t...
Black below. Fulvous above. Thorax with two rows of punctures. Elytra strongly punctate-striate, ful...
Resembling, in general appearauce, Phemone cordiger Rits. ¹) from Sumatra, but easily distinguished ...
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
The Sumatran specimens before me, belong with one exception to the var. a. of Lacordaire, in which t...
Length of the male 44 mm., of the female 54 mm.; breadth at the shoulders in the male 15,5 mm., in t...
Length about 33 ram. — The whole insect, with the exception, however, of the 2nd and succeeding abdo...
Agreeing in general appearance with the type of the genus, N. licheneus Pasc. (? = Anhammus conspers...
Some days ago I received from Mr. J. D. Pasteur of Padang Sidempoean (res. Tapanoeli, Western Sumatr...
Length 20 mm., width of the shoulders of the elytra 10,5 mm. — Coppery bronze; above dull greenish b...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Length (the rostrum included) 14½ mm. — Black; very densely covered all over (with the exception how...
Some years ago, taking care of the entomological material, collected by Mr. Edw. Jacobson, I saw amo...
Length 38 mm., breadth at the shoulders 14 mm., length of the antennae 37 mm. — Black, covered with ...
Length 30 mm., breadth at the shoulders 7,5 mm. — Dark chestnut-brown, approaching to black on the t...
Black below. Fulvous above. Thorax with two rows of punctures. Elytra strongly punctate-striate, ful...
Resembling, in general appearauce, Phemone cordiger Rits. ¹) from Sumatra, but easily distinguished ...
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
The Sumatran specimens before me, belong with one exception to the var. a. of Lacordaire, in which t...
Length of the male 44 mm., of the female 54 mm.; breadth at the shoulders in the male 15,5 mm., in t...