Length 20 mm., width of the shoulders of the elytra 10,5 mm. — Coppery bronze; above dull greenish brown, the head shining, rather thickly punctured, raised along the middle, the raised streak narrowed between the eyes, and accompanied there by some yellowish hairs; the front margin of the clypeus emarginate in the middle and broadly rounded laterally. — Thorax punctate, the punctures large, rather wide apart on the disk, more closely set on the sides; two pairs of minute white dots are present on the anterior half of the disk. The scutellum elongate triangular, impunctate. — The elytra vaguely punctured, nearly impunctate near the scutellum, faintly rugose at the apex; the apical portion of the suture has on each side an angular keel which...
Rufous; antenna), labrum and legs black; elytra violaceous blue, strongly punctate-striate anteriorl...
Length 30 millim.; breadth at the shoulders 7 millim. — Above dull red, the mandibles and the vertex...
This new species is closely allied to Helota Vandepolli Rits. ¹) from Borneo, but at once distinguis...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
A very distinct species, easily recognizable by its bicoloured legs (yellow and pitchy) and by the r...
Length with mandibles 27,5 mm., that of the left mandible (which is a little longer than the right o...
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
Length 7 mm. — Elongate elliptical, much more broadly rounded in front than behind, convex (above an...
Black; head and thorax impunctate; elytra very finely punctured, flavous, a sutural triangular patch...
Length 30 mm., breadth at the shoulders 7,5 mm. — Dark chestnut-brown, approaching to black on the t...
Black below. Fulvous above. Thorax with two rows of punctures. Elytra strongly punctate-striate, ful...
Length 2 mm., breadth 1 mm. — Oblong, rather broad, slightly convex, but little glossy, of a reddish...
Agreeing in general appearance with the type of the genus, N. licheneus Pasc. (? = Anhammus conspers...
Length (the rostrum included) 14½ mm. — Black; very densely covered all over (with the exception how...
Rufous; antenna), labrum and legs black; elytra violaceous blue, strongly punctate-striate anteriorl...
Length 30 millim.; breadth at the shoulders 7 millim. — Above dull red, the mandibles and the vertex...
This new species is closely allied to Helota Vandepolli Rits. ¹) from Borneo, but at once distinguis...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
A very distinct species, easily recognizable by its bicoloured legs (yellow and pitchy) and by the r...
Length with mandibles 27,5 mm., that of the left mandible (which is a little longer than the right o...
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
Length 7 mm. — Elongate elliptical, much more broadly rounded in front than behind, convex (above an...
Black; head and thorax impunctate; elytra very finely punctured, flavous, a sutural triangular patch...
Length 30 mm., breadth at the shoulders 7,5 mm. — Dark chestnut-brown, approaching to black on the t...
Black below. Fulvous above. Thorax with two rows of punctures. Elytra strongly punctate-striate, ful...
Length 2 mm., breadth 1 mm. — Oblong, rather broad, slightly convex, but little glossy, of a reddish...
Agreeing in general appearance with the type of the genus, N. licheneus Pasc. (? = Anhammus conspers...
Length (the rostrum included) 14½ mm. — Black; very densely covered all over (with the exception how...
Rufous; antenna), labrum and legs black; elytra violaceous blue, strongly punctate-striate anteriorl...
Length 30 millim.; breadth at the shoulders 7 millim. — Above dull red, the mandibles and the vertex...
This new species is closely allied to Helota Vandepolli Rits. ¹) from Borneo, but at once distinguis...