この場所は現在三田2丁目の「綱坂」である。右の長屋は肥前島原藩松平家中屋敷となり、坂上の右手が伊豫松山藩松平家中屋敷、坂の左が陸奥会津藩松平家下屋敷。現在右手坂下は慶応義塾大学で坂上はイタリア大使館。左の佐土原藩及び松山藩の屋敷跡は綱町三井倶楽部の敷地になっている。文久3年(1863)撮影と思われる。This location is the present day Tsunazaka slope at Mita 2-chome. The house on the right was the residence of the Matsudairas of the Hizen(present day Nagasaki Prefecture) Shimabara-han fief, the house on the right going up the slope was the residence of the Matsudairas of the Iyo(present day Ehime Prefecture) Matsuyama-han fief, and the one on the left was the second residence of the Matsudairas of Mutsu(present day Aomori and part of Iwate Prefectures). Right now there stands Keio University at the bottom of the slope and the Italian Embassy on top of the slope. The site of the residenc...