伏見稲荷大社拝殿東側の石段下から同社本殿を東に望む。右手には常夜灯の石灯籠が置かれる。写真の本殿は明応3年(1494)の建立で、天正17年(1589)に豊臣秀吉が修理した。正面の唐破風造の向拝は元禄7年(1694)に附加されたものである。五間社流造、檜皮葺。左奥に権殿が姿を見せる。The main hall of Fushimi Inari Shrine is viewed from the bottom of the stairs on the east side of the offertory shrine. A nocturnal stone lantern is visible on the right. The main hall was built in 1494 and repaired by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1589. The karahafu-style building in the centre was added in 1694. The shrine is of "gokensharyu" construction with cedar-tiled roof. The Gonden is visible in the background to the left