外桜田門の西から麹町、半蔵門方面を望む。外桜田門から半蔵門にかけての皇居(旧江戸城)が内堀(桜田堀)に面する所は、「鉢巻土居」といって石垣が上部にしかなく、あとは緩やかな曲線を持つ土塁で覆われていた。石垣の内側には、老松が残り、東京でも最も美しい景観を持った場所のひとつである。明治4年(1871)に撤去された半蔵門の渡り櫓が見えるので、明治初頭である。ベアト(Felix Beato)撮影。View of Koji-machi and Hanzo-mon from the west side of Soto Sakurada-mon. The area where the Imperial Palace (former Edo Castle) faces the inner moat (Sakurada Moat) is called "Hachimaki Doi." The stone wall was constructed only on the upper portion, and the rest was a gently curving earthen embankment. Old pines still remain inside the stone walls, and this is one of the most beautiful spots in Tokyo. The Watari watchtower of Hanzo-mon, which was removed in 1871, is visible, indicating that this photograph was taken at the beginning of the Mei...