日比谷御門の辺りから北の馬場先門方面を望む。右の長屋は因幡鳥取藩池田家上屋敷跡で、明治2年(1869)7月に兵部省、明治5年(1872)に陸軍省になった所。現在は丸の内3丁目で、帝国劇場や東京会館などがある一角である。堀端の道は日比谷通りになった。馬場先門の桝形と馬場先門橋は明治39年(1906)の凱旋道路完成の際に撤去された。明治初年の撮影。View of Babasaki Gate from the vicinity of Hibiya-gomon Gate. The building on the right is the former main residence of the Ikeda family of Inaba Tottori Clan. It was acquired for military purposes in 1869 and became the Army Ministry three years later. This area is now Marunouchi 3-chome, site of the Teikoku Theatre and Tokyo Kaikan Hall. The street by the moat is now Hibiya Dori. The masugata (square plot of land in between the first and second castle gates) of Babasaki Gate and the Babasaki Gate Bridge were removed in 1906 as part of the construction of Gaisen Do...