館林の高瀬善兵衛が太田久右衛門正儀(まさよし)に依頼して制作し、貞亨4年(1687)に浅草寺に奉納。蓮台を含め、高さ2.5mの坐像である。通常は濡仏(ぬれぼとけ)の名で呼ばれている。大正12年(1923)の大震災にも動じず、本堂、仁王門、経堂が共に焼失した昭和20年(1945)の空襲の猛火にも耐え、同じ場所に座り続けていらっしゃる。These two statues were built by Takase Zenbei of Tatebayashi by order of Ota Kyuemon Masayoshi and donated to Sensoji Temple in 1687. Standing 2.5 meters tall including the lotus base, the statues are usually referred to as Nurebotoke (Wet Buddha). They survived the Great Earthquake of 1923 and also the air raids of 1945, but the Main Hall, Niomon, and Sutra Repository were all destroyed in the latter