清水寺本堂舞台を奥ノ院より西北西に望む。舞台上には2人の人影が見える。南苑の木々は緑深く生い茂る。本堂舞台は寛永10年(1633)の再建で、寄棟造で総檜皮葺、西側正面と南側東西に翼楼を配する。舞台高欄周囲に内側を向けて設けられた柵は落下防止のためか。左の南苑には参道が西にのびる。The balcony off the main hall of Kiyomizu Temple seen from Okuno-in, facing west-northwest. There are two people on the balcony. The fallen leaves in the South Garden suggest winter. The balcony was renovated in 1633. The yosemune style building is roofed entirely with hinoki tree bark. Wings flank the west side and the east and west of the south side. The wooden fencing inside the railing is to prevent people from falling. The approach stretches westward to the left through the South Garden