105. Long-toothed Pipistrelle Hypsugo dolichodon French: Vespere a longues dents / German: Langzahn-Zwergfledermaus / Spanish: Hypsugo de dientes largos Taxonomy. Hypsugo dolichodon Gorfol et al., 2014, “ 14°57'N, 107°08'E, Xe Kaman proposed dam site, 10 km east from Ban Paam, Attapu Province, Lao PDR, 150 m a.s.l.” The relationships of Hypsugo dolichodon are uncertain, but it appears to be close to H. petersi and H. pulveratus, based on limited genetic data. Specimens from Cambodia and Myanmar were originally identified as H. affinis, but are now considered to represent this species. Monotypic. Distribution. Known from scattered localities in SE Myanmar, W & S Cambodia, SE Laos, and S Vietnam. Descriptive notes. Hindfoot 5...