95. Lanza’s Pipistrelle Hypsugo lanzai French: Vespére de Lanza / German: Lanza-Zwergfledermaus / Spanish: Hypsugo de Lanza Taxonomy. Hypsugo lanzai Benda et al, 2011, “ Yemen, Island of Socotra, Wadi Es Gego, 12°28' N, 54°01' E, 208 ma. s. 1.” Populations now attributed to Hypsugo lanzai were previously treated as H. ariel. Relationship to other Hypsugo has not yet been tested on genetic grounds. Monotypic. Distribution. Socotra I, Yemen. Descriptive notes. Head-body 46 mm (average), tail 42 mm (average), ear 14-2 mm (average), forearm 31-1-32-7 mm. Dorsal pelage of Lanza’s Pipistrelle is brown with slight rusty tinge (hairs dark chestnut-brown for proximal one-half, and brown to rusty brown for distal one-half); ventral p...