108. Brown Pipistrelle Hypsugo imbricatus French: Vespere imbriquée / German: Braune Zwergfledermaus / Spanish: Hypsugo marrén Taxonomy. Vespertilio imbricatus Horsfield, 1824, Java, Indonesia. Hypsugo wmbricatus has been considered conspecific with H. macrotis, but they are generally recognized as distinct species, based on morphological data; the relationship of this species to other congeners is still unclear. Specimens attributed to this species from the Philippines actually represent Pipistrellus javanicus. Monotypic. Distribution. NC Borneo, Java, Kangean, Bali, and Lombok Is, and S Sulawesi. Descriptive notes. Head—body 4144-9 mm, tail 35-8-41 mm, ear 13-5-14-9 mm, hindfoot 5-8-6-4 mm, forearm 31-9-37-3 mm; weight 4....