40. Mount Popa Pipistrelle Pipistrellus paterculus French: Pipistrelle du Popa / German: Mount-Popa-Zwergfledermaus / Spanish: Pipistrela de Popa Other common names: Paternal Pipistrelle Taxonomy. Pipistrellus paterculus Thomas, 1915, “Upper Burma [= Myanmar]. Mt. Popa.” Pipistrellus paterculus has been included as a subspecies or synonym of P. javanicus but is generally recognized as a distinct species based on morphological and genetic data. Two subspecies recognized. Subspecies and Distribution. P.p.paterculusThomas,1915—N&NEIndia(JammuandKashmir,Bihar,Assam,Nagaland,andManipur),Myanmar,ELaos,Vietnam,andN&SWCambodia;alsoreportedfromNWThailandbutrequiresconfirmation. P. p. yunnanensis Wang Yingxiang, 1982 — SW China (Y...
105. Long-toothed Pipistrelle Hypsugo dolichodon French: Vespere a longues dents / German: Lan...
26. Rusty Pipistrelle Pipistrellus rusticus French: Pipistrelle rouille / German: Rostfarbene ...
20. Crete Pipistrelle Pipistrellus creticus French: Pipistrelle de Crete / German: Kreta-Zwerg...
104. Peters’s Pipistrelle Hypsugo petersi French: Vespere de Peters / German: Peters-Zwergfled...
107. Red-brown Pipistrelle Hypsugo kitcheneri French: Vespere de Kitchener / German: Kitchener...
30. Dar-es-Salaam Pipistrelle Pipistrellus permixtus French: Pipistrelle de Tanzanie / German:...
Pipistrellus anthonyi Anthony’s Pipistrelle Pipistrellus anthonyi Tate, 1942: 252; Changyinku, N...
18. Common Pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus French: Pipistrelle commune / German: Zwergfl...
46. Watts’s Pipistrelle Pipustrellus wattsi French: Pipistrelle de Watts / German: \Watts-Zwer...
106. Burmese Pipistrelle Hypsugo lophurus French: Vespére de Birmanie / German: Burma-Zwergfle...
42. Minahassa Pipistrelle Pipistrellus minahassae French: Pipistrelle de Minahasa / German: Mi...
29. Mount GarguesPipistrelle Pipistrellus aero French: Pipistrelle du Kenya / German: Mount-Ga...
35. Sturdee’s Pipistrelle Pipistrellus sturdeei French: Pipistrelle de Sturdee / German: Sturd...
103. Pungent Pipistrelle Hypsugo mordax French: Vespére mordante / German: Bissige Zwergfleder...
47. Northern Pipistrelle Pipistrellus westralis French: Pipistrelle de Koopman / German: Mangr...
105. Long-toothed Pipistrelle Hypsugo dolichodon French: Vespere a longues dents / German: Lan...
26. Rusty Pipistrelle Pipistrellus rusticus French: Pipistrelle rouille / German: Rostfarbene ...
20. Crete Pipistrelle Pipistrellus creticus French: Pipistrelle de Crete / German: Kreta-Zwerg...
104. Peters’s Pipistrelle Hypsugo petersi French: Vespere de Peters / German: Peters-Zwergfled...
107. Red-brown Pipistrelle Hypsugo kitcheneri French: Vespere de Kitchener / German: Kitchener...
30. Dar-es-Salaam Pipistrelle Pipistrellus permixtus French: Pipistrelle de Tanzanie / German:...
Pipistrellus anthonyi Anthony’s Pipistrelle Pipistrellus anthonyi Tate, 1942: 252; Changyinku, N...
18. Common Pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus French: Pipistrelle commune / German: Zwergfl...
46. Watts’s Pipistrelle Pipustrellus wattsi French: Pipistrelle de Watts / German: \Watts-Zwer...
106. Burmese Pipistrelle Hypsugo lophurus French: Vespére de Birmanie / German: Burma-Zwergfle...
42. Minahassa Pipistrelle Pipistrellus minahassae French: Pipistrelle de Minahasa / German: Mi...
29. Mount GarguesPipistrelle Pipistrellus aero French: Pipistrelle du Kenya / German: Mount-Ga...
35. Sturdee’s Pipistrelle Pipistrellus sturdeei French: Pipistrelle de Sturdee / German: Sturd...
103. Pungent Pipistrelle Hypsugo mordax French: Vespére mordante / German: Bissige Zwergfleder...
47. Northern Pipistrelle Pipistrellus westralis French: Pipistrelle de Koopman / German: Mangr...
105. Long-toothed Pipistrelle Hypsugo dolichodon French: Vespere a longues dents / German: Lan...
26. Rusty Pipistrelle Pipistrellus rusticus French: Pipistrelle rouille / German: Rostfarbene ...
20. Crete Pipistrelle Pipistrellus creticus French: Pipistrelle de Crete / German: Kreta-Zwerg...