29. Mount GarguesPipistrelle Pipistrellus aero French: Pipistrelle du Kenya / German: Mount-Gargues-Zwergfledermaus / Spanish: Pipistrela de Kenya Other common names: Aerial Pipistrelle Bat, Kenya Pipistrelle, Mount Gargues Pipistrelle Bat Taxonomy. Pipistrellus aero Heller, 1912, “from summit of Mount Garguez [= Gargues], Mathews Range, altitude 7,000 ft. [= 2134 m], British East Africa [= Kenya].” This species is monotypic. Distribution. Recorded from three localities in W & C Ethiopia (Beko River, Yamboshi River, and Chercher Mts) and three localities in W Kenya (Marsabit Lake, Mt Gargues, and Ngong); there is an apparent record from Tana Lake in NW Ethiopia, but it does not seem to represent this species (most likely P....