16. Chenopodium missouriense Aellen Aellen, Bot. Not. 1928:206 (1928). - C. album var. missouriense (Aellen) Bassett & Crompton (1982). - Type: USA, Missouri, Courtney, 22.X.1922 Bush 7402 (US) lectotype, sei. by Bassett & Crompton, Can. J. Bot. 60: 604 (1982). F missourinsavikka. N hønsemelde. S hönsmålla. Literature. Dvorak 1987. Therophyte (summer-annual). Up to 70(-150) cm, ± farinose. Stem subangular to angular, striped with greyish to bluish green, sometimes with red colour in the leaf axils, hard, erect, richly branched; branches long, ascending. Leaf-blades dark pure green, relatively narrow, rhombic, sometimes slightly 3-lobed, in middle leaves to 8 cm; margin coarsely serrate with acute teeth; apex acute. Inflorescences l...