97. Hemichroa R. Br. Hemichroa R. Br., Podr.: 409 (1810) Herbs or low shrubs with fleshy leaves. Perianth lobes oval, acuminate, the 3 outer ones with 3-4, the two inner ones with 1-2 nerves; stamens (2-3-)5; ovary i erect, prolonging into a i long style; stigmas 2, filiform. Seeds lentiform to reniform; embryo hemi-annular; radicle pointing upwards. About three spp., Australia.Published as part of Kuehn, U., 1993, Chenopodiaceae, pp. 253-281 in The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2, Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer-Verlag on page 27
52. Sclerostegia P. G. Wilson Sclerostegia P. G. Wilson, Nuytsia 3: 17 (1980) Dwarf shrubs. Leaf l...
Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, often fleshy, glabrous, papillate or hairy. Leaves opposite or ...
77. Halocharis Moq. Halocharis Moq. in DC., Prodr. 13, 2: 48, 201 (1849) Annual, somewhat fleshy h...
31. Maireana Moq. Maireana Moq., Chenop. Monogr. Enum.: 95 (1840); Wilson, Nuytsia 2: 2-83 (1975). ...
33. Enchylaena R. Br. Enchylaena R. Br., Prodr.: 407 (1810) Shrubs. Flowers bisexual, solitary, ax...
88. Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer, Enum. Pl. Schrenk. 1: 10 (1841...
32. Eremophea P. G. Wilson Eremophea P. G. Wilson, Fl. Aust. 4: 326 (1984) Small shrubs, tomentose...
6. Rhagodia R. Br. Rhagodia R. Br., Prodr.: 408 (1810); Scott, Feddes Repert.89 1412 (1978); Wilson...
56. Tecticornia Hook f. Tecticornia Hook. f. in Benth. & Hook f., Gen. Pl. 3: 65 (1880) Wilson, Nuy...
36. Malacocera R. Anderson Malacocem R. Anderson, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 51: 382 (1926); Chinn...
11. Dysphania R. Br. Dysphania R. Br., Prodr.: 411 (1810); Scott, Bot. Jahrb Syst. 100: 205-220 (19...
40. Sclerolaena R. Br. Sclerolaena R. Br., Prodr.: 410 (1810); Ising, Trans. R. Soc. S.Aust. 88: 63...
50. Heterostachys Ung.-Sternb. Heterostachys Ung.-Stemb., Atti Congr. Bot. Firenze 1874: 267 268, 3...
34. Didymanthus Endl. Didymanthus Endl., Nov, Stirp. Decades: 7 (1839) Small shrub. Flowers bisexu...
Perennial, caulescent, rhizomatous herbs with fasciculate, fibrous roots, sometimes stoloniferous, r...
52. Sclerostegia P. G. Wilson Sclerostegia P. G. Wilson, Nuytsia 3: 17 (1980) Dwarf shrubs. Leaf l...
Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, often fleshy, glabrous, papillate or hairy. Leaves opposite or ...
77. Halocharis Moq. Halocharis Moq. in DC., Prodr. 13, 2: 48, 201 (1849) Annual, somewhat fleshy h...
31. Maireana Moq. Maireana Moq., Chenop. Monogr. Enum.: 95 (1840); Wilson, Nuytsia 2: 2-83 (1975). ...
33. Enchylaena R. Br. Enchylaena R. Br., Prodr.: 407 (1810) Shrubs. Flowers bisexual, solitary, ax...
88. Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer, Enum. Pl. Schrenk. 1: 10 (1841...
32. Eremophea P. G. Wilson Eremophea P. G. Wilson, Fl. Aust. 4: 326 (1984) Small shrubs, tomentose...
6. Rhagodia R. Br. Rhagodia R. Br., Prodr.: 408 (1810); Scott, Feddes Repert.89 1412 (1978); Wilson...
56. Tecticornia Hook f. Tecticornia Hook. f. in Benth. & Hook f., Gen. Pl. 3: 65 (1880) Wilson, Nuy...
36. Malacocera R. Anderson Malacocem R. Anderson, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 51: 382 (1926); Chinn...
11. Dysphania R. Br. Dysphania R. Br., Prodr.: 411 (1810); Scott, Bot. Jahrb Syst. 100: 205-220 (19...
40. Sclerolaena R. Br. Sclerolaena R. Br., Prodr.: 410 (1810); Ising, Trans. R. Soc. S.Aust. 88: 63...
50. Heterostachys Ung.-Sternb. Heterostachys Ung.-Stemb., Atti Congr. Bot. Firenze 1874: 267 268, 3...
34. Didymanthus Endl. Didymanthus Endl., Nov, Stirp. Decades: 7 (1839) Small shrub. Flowers bisexu...
Perennial, caulescent, rhizomatous herbs with fasciculate, fibrous roots, sometimes stoloniferous, r...
52. Sclerostegia P. G. Wilson Sclerostegia P. G. Wilson, Nuytsia 3: 17 (1980) Dwarf shrubs. Leaf l...
Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, often fleshy, glabrous, papillate or hairy. Leaves opposite or ...
77. Halocharis Moq. Halocharis Moq. in DC., Prodr. 13, 2: 48, 201 (1849) Annual, somewhat fleshy h...