6. Rhagodia R. Br. Rhagodia R. Br., Prodr.: 408 (1810); Scott, Feddes Repert.89 1412 (1978); Wilson, Nuytsia 4: 213-235 (1983). Shrubby, seldom herbaceous plants. Flowers solitary or axillary in clusters or in terminal spikes or panicles, bisexual or pistillate, the plant sometimes dioecious; perianth lobes 5, often expanded in fruit; filaments flat, fused at the base; ovary globose; stigmas Z(-3). Fruit fleshy, red or yellow; seeds horizontal; embryo annular. 11 spp., endemic to Australia.Published as part of Kuehn, U., 1993, Chenopodiaceae, pp. 253-281 in The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2, Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer-Verlag on page 26