77. Halocharis Moq. Halocharis Moq. in DC., Prodr. 13, 2: 48, 201 (1849) Annual, somewhat fleshy herbs. Leaves alternate, narrow, ciliate. Flowers solitary, subtended by 2 bracteoles; perianth lobes 5, free almost to the base, unchanged in fruit; stamens 5; anthers with an enlarged terminal vesicular connective; stigmas 2, filiform. Pericarp smooth. 13 spp., SW and C Asia.Published as part of Kuehn, U., 1993, Chenopodiaceae, pp. 253-281 in The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2, Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer-Verlag on page 27
9. Chenopodium L. Chenopodium L., Sp. Pl.: 218 (1753); Kowal, Monogr. Bot.1 87-163 (1954); Brenan, ...
26. Panderia Fischer et C. Meyer Panderia Fischer et C. Meyer, Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Petrop. 2:21 (1...
88. Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer, Enum. Pl. Schrenk. 1: 10 (1841...
45. Halopeplis Bunge ex Ung.-Sternb Halopeplis Bunge ex Ung.-Stemb.; Vers. Syst. Salicorn.: 102 (18...
49. Halostachys C.Meyer ex Schrenk Halostachys C. Meyer ex Schrenk, Bull. Cl. Phys.-Math. Acad Imp....
64. Haloxylon Bunge Fig. 49 Haloxylon Bunge, Rel. Lehm. in Mem. Sav. Etrang. Petersb. 7: 468 (1851...
68. Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach, Ill. Pl. Or. 2: 50 (1845); Botsch Nov. Sys...
48. Halocnemum M. Bieb. Halocnemum M. Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 3: 3 (1819) Succulent shrub with arti...
71. Halogeton C. A. Mey. Halogeton C.A.Mey. in Ledeb., Icon. Pl. Nov. Fl. Rossica 1: 10 (1829); Bla...
55. Halosarcia R G. Wilson Fig. 51 Dwarf shrubs. Leaf blades insignificant; sclereids absent in th...
92. Petrosimonia Bunge Petrosimoniu Bunge, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb. V11 4(11): 19, 52 (186...
1. Tribe Halopeplideae Ulbr. (1934) Leaves alternate, amplexicaul. Stems entirePublished as part of...
94. Halotis Bunge Halotis Bunge, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb. VII, 4(11): 19 73 (1862). Oute...
12. Monolepis Schrader Monolepis Schrader, Index Sem. Horti Götting.: 4 (1830); Scott, Bot. Jahrb. ...
66. Noaea Moq. in DC Noaea Moq. in DC, Prodr. 13, 2: 207 (1849) Annual herbs or stiffish shrubs. L...
9. Chenopodium L. Chenopodium L., Sp. Pl.: 218 (1753); Kowal, Monogr. Bot.1 87-163 (1954); Brenan, ...
26. Panderia Fischer et C. Meyer Panderia Fischer et C. Meyer, Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Petrop. 2:21 (1...
88. Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer, Enum. Pl. Schrenk. 1: 10 (1841...
45. Halopeplis Bunge ex Ung.-Sternb Halopeplis Bunge ex Ung.-Stemb.; Vers. Syst. Salicorn.: 102 (18...
49. Halostachys C.Meyer ex Schrenk Halostachys C. Meyer ex Schrenk, Bull. Cl. Phys.-Math. Acad Imp....
64. Haloxylon Bunge Fig. 49 Haloxylon Bunge, Rel. Lehm. in Mem. Sav. Etrang. Petersb. 7: 468 (1851...
68. Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach, Ill. Pl. Or. 2: 50 (1845); Botsch Nov. Sys...
48. Halocnemum M. Bieb. Halocnemum M. Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 3: 3 (1819) Succulent shrub with arti...
71. Halogeton C. A. Mey. Halogeton C.A.Mey. in Ledeb., Icon. Pl. Nov. Fl. Rossica 1: 10 (1829); Bla...
55. Halosarcia R G. Wilson Fig. 51 Dwarf shrubs. Leaf blades insignificant; sclereids absent in th...
92. Petrosimonia Bunge Petrosimoniu Bunge, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb. V11 4(11): 19, 52 (186...
1. Tribe Halopeplideae Ulbr. (1934) Leaves alternate, amplexicaul. Stems entirePublished as part of...
94. Halotis Bunge Halotis Bunge, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb. VII, 4(11): 19 73 (1862). Oute...
12. Monolepis Schrader Monolepis Schrader, Index Sem. Horti Götting.: 4 (1830); Scott, Bot. Jahrb. ...
66. Noaea Moq. in DC Noaea Moq. in DC, Prodr. 13, 2: 207 (1849) Annual herbs or stiffish shrubs. L...
9. Chenopodium L. Chenopodium L., Sp. Pl.: 218 (1753); Kowal, Monogr. Bot.1 87-163 (1954); Brenan, ...
26. Panderia Fischer et C. Meyer Panderia Fischer et C. Meyer, Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Petrop. 2:21 (1...
88. Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer Horaninovia Fischer et C. Meyer, Enum. Pl. Schrenk. 1: 10 (1841...