Sixth Report on the Demographic Situation in France. From January 1966 to January 1976, the population of France rose from 48,95 to 52,84 million. In the increase, 1,01 million is to be ascribed to net migration. The proportion of people less than 20 years old declined from 34,2 to 31,7 % and that of people 65 years old and over rose from 12,2 to 13,5 %. Nuptiality remains on a rather average level and, so far, has shown little decline. The number of births fell further from 742 000 in 1975 to 720 000 in 1976. Mortality is stable at its lowest historical level. There are some 4 million foreigners in France who account for about 11 % of the total births but their number is levelling off. The second part of the report is devoted to mortality...