Jacob Peck Goodson Reynolds, LL.B. Lexington, Kentucky Delta Chi; Henry Clay Law Society. On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined. Goodson Alphabet Reynolds left us in mid-semester to don his Uncle Sam\u27s Khaki and with wonted chivalry guard the nurses in Hospital Unit No. 40. In fair weather or foul Goodson smiles and the world smiles with him. He is as clean as the proverbial hound\u27s tooth. This apostle of sunshine has a weakness for ruffles and curls and they generally have a weakness for him. When it comes to entertaining, he is a player-piano and a cage of monkeys in one. His motto is: Work little and worry less. -The Kentuckian, 1918*----------------------------------- Jacob Peck Goodson Reynolds (July 30, 1895 - January 5...