Jacob Owen Reynolds, LL.B. Lexington, Kentucky ΔΧ; ΑΔΣ; Humorist Idea Staff (2-3); Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (4); Assistant Editor Idea (3-4); Class Poet (4); Henry Clay Law Society; Choral Society; Democrat Club; Pennyroyal Club. Law take thy victim. Better watch out for J. Owen--he is apt to hand you a joke when you are least expecting it. He is the most popular man in the class, well versed in law, and a big brother to all the girls. Some day when he is a lawyer and all his friends take their troubles to him, as they do now, he may get past that big brother stage. -The Kentuckian, 1915----------------------------------- Jacob Owen Reynolds (February 13, 1893 - December 12, 1964) was born in Slaughters, Kentucky to Warren Lee Reynolds...