John Thomas Gooch, LL.B. \u2715, A.B. \u2716 Hanson, Kentucky President Democratic Club (2) ; President Henry Clay Law Society (4); Union Literary Society; Vice President Democratic Club (4). ......\u27Tis of more renown To save a client than to storm a town. John Thomas really expects to be a good lawyer. Perhaps that is why he delves so deeply into the intricacies of legal propositions (?). John Thomas has a big heart, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and he fell for a little miss, in toto. (Whatever that is.) In a few years he will be practicing law, and that\u27ll be nice! -The Kentuckian, 1915---------------------------------- John Thomas Gooch (January 8, 1886 - October 14, 1947) was born in Hopkins County, Kentucky to...