Autocontrolek 2005etik 2009ra bitartean buruturiko jarduera gainbegiratzen da. Iragarritako produktuaren, eskatzailearen, iragarkiak jaso dituzten hedabideen, Autocontrolen eta iragarlearen erantzunaren eta urraturiko kode, lege eta printzipioen arabera sailkatu dira azterturiko kasuak. Emaitzak erakunde berak duela hamar urte buruturik lanarekin eta kasu amerikarrarekin alderatu dira. Horretarako Ramosek (2001) eta Armstrongek eta Ozannek (1983) buruturiko lanak erabili dira. Datuek erakusten dute Espainian kontsumitzaileen eta kontsumitzaileen erakundeen jarduera handiagoa dela duela hamar urte baino eta Estatu Batuetan baino.; This study evaluates the activity of the Spains advertising self-regulatory system, Autocontrol, from 2005-2009....
While advertising self-regulation is generally considered effective in a closed, largely country-bas...
Describes and analyzes the evolution of advertising regulation in Peru between 1974 and 1994. It als...
It is the recognition of the advertising industry that ethics in advertising require an overall resp...
This study evaluates the activity of the Spain’s advertising self-regulatory system, Autocontrol, fr...
Según los criterios y parámetros que la Unión Europea considera determinantes para un modelo efectiv...
The theory and practice of advertising self-regulation have been evolving for decades in pursuit of ...
El presente trabajo analiza el sistema de autorregulación publicitaria en España a partir del conjun...
La búsqueda por promocionar unos estándares éticos mínimos de publicidad es una preocupación en los ...
In the light of the growth of influencers’ marketing, this descriptive and analytical study pursues ...
Ante el auge del marketing de influencers, este estudio, descriptivo y analítico, responde a tres ob...
From the perspective of the sociology of professions, every professional activity should have its ow...
Advertising is a traditionally questioned activity, not only from the ethical point of view, but als...
In competitive and global environments in which companies operate commercial advertising plays a vi...
La ley exige que los consumidores puedan siempre percibir la publicidad como tal, pero existen práct...
ResumenObjetivosExaminar el marco del debate en torno a la prohibición de la publicidad de tabaco en...
While advertising self-regulation is generally considered effective in a closed, largely country-bas...
Describes and analyzes the evolution of advertising regulation in Peru between 1974 and 1994. It als...
It is the recognition of the advertising industry that ethics in advertising require an overall resp...
This study evaluates the activity of the Spain’s advertising self-regulatory system, Autocontrol, fr...
Según los criterios y parámetros que la Unión Europea considera determinantes para un modelo efectiv...
The theory and practice of advertising self-regulation have been evolving for decades in pursuit of ...
El presente trabajo analiza el sistema de autorregulación publicitaria en España a partir del conjun...
La búsqueda por promocionar unos estándares éticos mínimos de publicidad es una preocupación en los ...
In the light of the growth of influencers’ marketing, this descriptive and analytical study pursues ...
Ante el auge del marketing de influencers, este estudio, descriptivo y analítico, responde a tres ob...
From the perspective of the sociology of professions, every professional activity should have its ow...
Advertising is a traditionally questioned activity, not only from the ethical point of view, but als...
In competitive and global environments in which companies operate commercial advertising plays a vi...
La ley exige que los consumidores puedan siempre percibir la publicidad como tal, pero existen práct...
ResumenObjetivosExaminar el marco del debate en torno a la prohibición de la publicidad de tabaco en...
While advertising self-regulation is generally considered effective in a closed, largely country-bas...
Describes and analyzes the evolution of advertising regulation in Peru between 1974 and 1994. It als...
It is the recognition of the advertising industry that ethics in advertising require an overall resp...