TEAM BUILDING, SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONOF MANAGEMENTThis paper describes the way in which a changeto team organization was reflected in, andsimultaneously affected, the way in which themanagement's work is organized. Usingethnographic data from the House, as I will call thisworkplace, located in Helsinki, this paper shows howthe House's organization changed from a traditionalbureaucratic model into a self-directed team-basedorganization. Out of the House's four mostsignificant managers, two took an active tack, andparticipated to the meetings arranged by the twoactive teams. Two other managers, in turn, largelywithdrew from team work. Consequently, the twoactive managers' influence in the House wasenhanced to that extent in which the House's mos...
Advances in communication technology have had fast and fundamental impacts on human behavior and org...
This parole argues for participatory evaluationin developing expert organizations. lt presentstwo ca...
Työnjohtotyö on perinteinen organisaatiotutkimuksen kohde ja työnjohtajat keskeinen ammattiryhmä eri...
TEAM BUILDING, SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONOF MANAGEMENTThis paper describes the way in which a changeto team...
Action, Power and Experience in Organizational Change - A Study of Three Major Corporations This...
The changing field of organization consulting – The structures and leadership models of organization...
Projects are the means for most organizations to achieve change. Projects come in different sizes a...
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan ohjelmistoyrityksen muutosta hierarkkisesta organisaatiorakenteesta matal...
There were two research questions to be answered in this thesis: What is goal driven management and ...
Practicing relational ethics in organizations / Gitte Haslebo & Maja Loua Haslebo. Ohio : Taos Insti...
Business Management Consulting – A Young and Growing Field – A profession can be defined as a group ...
By using Statistics Finland’s Meadow survey data and register-based data, this study exploresthe ext...
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä kokonaisarkkitehtuurin jalkauttamisen haasteita on suoma...
Pääasiallisena tutkimustehtävänä on pyrkiä vastaamaan kysymykseen: Millainen on kasvuvaiheessa oleva...
Advances in communication technology have had fast and fundamental impacts on human behavior and org...
This parole argues for participatory evaluationin developing expert organizations. lt presentstwo ca...
Työnjohtotyö on perinteinen organisaatiotutkimuksen kohde ja työnjohtajat keskeinen ammattiryhmä eri...
TEAM BUILDING, SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONOF MANAGEMENTThis paper describes the way in which a changeto team...
Action, Power and Experience in Organizational Change - A Study of Three Major Corporations This...
The changing field of organization consulting – The structures and leadership models of organization...
Projects are the means for most organizations to achieve change. Projects come in different sizes a...
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan ohjelmistoyrityksen muutosta hierarkkisesta organisaatiorakenteesta matal...
There were two research questions to be answered in this thesis: What is goal driven management and ...
Practicing relational ethics in organizations / Gitte Haslebo & Maja Loua Haslebo. Ohio : Taos Insti...
Business Management Consulting – A Young and Growing Field – A profession can be defined as a group ...
By using Statistics Finland’s Meadow survey data and register-based data, this study exploresthe ext...
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä kokonaisarkkitehtuurin jalkauttamisen haasteita on suoma...
Pääasiallisena tutkimustehtävänä on pyrkiä vastaamaan kysymykseen: Millainen on kasvuvaiheessa oleva...
Advances in communication technology have had fast and fundamental impacts on human behavior and org...
This parole argues for participatory evaluationin developing expert organizations. lt presentstwo ca...
Työnjohtotyö on perinteinen organisaatiotutkimuksen kohde ja työnjohtajat keskeinen ammattiryhmä eri...