TORRES, Z. E. S. Contribuição ao conhecimento químico de plantas do nordeste do Brasil: Aspidosperma ulei Markgr. 2012. 263 f. Tese (Doutorado em Química) - Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2012.Aspidosperma ulei Markgr. popularly known as pitiá or piquiá, is a tree of a rough and gray trunk bark. This work reports the phytochemical analysis of the leaves, and the re-investigation of the trunk and roots of an A. ulei specimen collected at the locality of Garapa- Acarape Country – Ceará State. The ethanol extracts of all parts were obtained. Acid/base extraction was performed with the extracts from the trunk and root heartwoods and root bark, in order to obtain the alkaloids fraction. For the leaves and trunk ba...