The texts discusses Zima miejska (City Winter) by Adam Mickiewicz in the perspective of the modern version of anacreontic poetry. The poetic debut of Mickiewicz can be regarded not only as an example of a neoclassical-rococo poem delivering a joyful description of student amusements, but also as a step towards pre-bohemian aesthetics, which is characteristic of quite a number of verses written by the Philomaths around 1820. In the case of the Philomaths, the Bacchic motifs seem to be signs of a new approach to the process of writing poetry.Tekst powstał w ramach realizacji projektu „Kultura literacka polskiego rokoka lat 1795–1830 na tle europejskim”, zarejestrowanego pod numerem 2016/23/D/HS2/01119, finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nau...