We study the spectrum of operators carrying large values of the conserved charges in conformal field theories (CFTs) with global symmetries. In particular, we explore the computation of the related CFT data within the recently-developed large charge expansion framework. In the first three chapters, we review the basics of CFT at large charge, focusing on the general phenomenon of classicalization of quantum physics in the presence of large quantum numbers and on the physical implications of the spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance induced by the charge-fixing. In chapter four, we show how to set up the large charge expansion in weakly-coupled nonabelian theories. To this end, we focus on the O(N) critical model in d = 4 − ε dimensio...
Uvod: Hirurško lečenje nodozne bolesti štitaste žlezde predstavlja jednu od najčešće izvođenih opera...
Nakon što je uspješno sintetiziran grafen, prvi dvodimenzionalni sustav debljine jednog atoma, ekspe...
Izoseiste potresa koji su se dogodili u središnjem dijelu Vanjskih Dinarida izdužene su u smjeru pru...
We study the spectrum of operators carrying large values of the conserved charges in conformal field...
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a dilatation of aorta characterized by loss of functional elastin...
The OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam was designed to measure the appearance of tau neutrinos in the...
The gear pair design is well-defined within the technical literature, resulting in a straightforward...
This doctoral dissertation evaluated the use of sustainable biomass sources (agri-food waste and res...
In this thesis a study of the Higgs boson production in association with a W boson in the boosted to...
New demands on reliability and safety, together with the applications of new materials and new produ...
A physically active lifestyle has many well-documented benefits. However, we are witnessing an epide...
Ovaj članak želi istražiti filozofsku misao Martina Bubera. Da bismo se približili njegovoj misli bi...
Vidno radno pamćenje (VRP) skupni je naziv za procese kratkotrajnog zadržavanja vidnih informacija s...
The goal of the dissertation was to develop a new, environmentally friendly, and economically profit...
Istraživanje javnog mnijenja o privatizaciji u Hrvatskoj pokazalo je visok stupanj nezadovoljsfva gr...
Uvod: Hirurško lečenje nodozne bolesti štitaste žlezde predstavlja jednu od najčešće izvođenih opera...
Nakon što je uspješno sintetiziran grafen, prvi dvodimenzionalni sustav debljine jednog atoma, ekspe...
Izoseiste potresa koji su se dogodili u središnjem dijelu Vanjskih Dinarida izdužene su u smjeru pru...
We study the spectrum of operators carrying large values of the conserved charges in conformal field...
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a dilatation of aorta characterized by loss of functional elastin...
The OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam was designed to measure the appearance of tau neutrinos in the...
The gear pair design is well-defined within the technical literature, resulting in a straightforward...
This doctoral dissertation evaluated the use of sustainable biomass sources (agri-food waste and res...
In this thesis a study of the Higgs boson production in association with a W boson in the boosted to...
New demands on reliability and safety, together with the applications of new materials and new produ...
A physically active lifestyle has many well-documented benefits. However, we are witnessing an epide...
Ovaj članak želi istražiti filozofsku misao Martina Bubera. Da bismo se približili njegovoj misli bi...
Vidno radno pamćenje (VRP) skupni je naziv za procese kratkotrajnog zadržavanja vidnih informacija s...
The goal of the dissertation was to develop a new, environmentally friendly, and economically profit...
Istraživanje javnog mnijenja o privatizaciji u Hrvatskoj pokazalo je visok stupanj nezadovoljsfva gr...
Uvod: Hirurško lečenje nodozne bolesti štitaste žlezde predstavlja jednu od najčešće izvođenih opera...
Nakon što je uspješno sintetiziran grafen, prvi dvodimenzionalni sustav debljine jednog atoma, ekspe...
Izoseiste potresa koji su se dogodili u središnjem dijelu Vanjskih Dinarida izdužene su u smjeru pru...