THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO THE LIBRARY t 1 3, SHARIA KASR EL AINI CAIRO, EGYPT—U.A.R. - 6 - V* Changing to Library of Congress classification system* The Librarian’s Advisory Counoil has voted unanimously for the change for the following reasons i 1* Cataloging vill be euieker and thus more eoonomloal* 2* She arrangement on the shelves is more useful, especially in academic libraries* 5* She card catalog, which is in bad shape, will be almost completely new when the task is finished* 4* Arabic books can be integrated into the collection* 6* It will provide an automati inventory of the collection* tV\ «- 6* 2he urgency of decidlngAneed to know very soon how to catalog the Debbane Collection* (7 * It will force a careful weeding of the ...