T*«: Dr0 Walid Kazziha, Chairman, By-Laws Amendment Committee From: Glenn A© Goodwin, Associate professor, Sociology Subject: Proposed amendments, changes and various comments on the current Faculty By-Laws Date: October 21, 1974 According to Section VI, A© 2© of the Faculty By-Laws, as well as Section VI, A0 1 of the By-Laws, any changes or amendments to the By-Laws must be submitted in writing to yourself as chairman of the committee© In addition, the By-Laws state (Section VI, A© X) that: MAmendments to the By-Laws may be proposed by any member of the Faculty,©©©” and that: "Upon reciept of proposed amendments the Chairman shall convene the committee as soon as possible to consider the proposals and make its re commendations0 © o^he comm...