Oriental Hall The University Faculty Dec. 17, 1963 Draft Minutes 285. The second Faculty Meeting (1963-64) was called to order by Chairman Dr. Namani at 5:05 p.m. with 29 members attending. 286. The Agenda, having been previously distributed, was approved. 287. Minutes of the meeting Oct. 7, 1963, were accepted. 238. a. Announcements: Dr. Namani reported that there was a balance of LE. 3.190 left from the party at the Kursaal and a balance of LE. 1.60 from last year. It was voted that the money be kept by the Chairman for future expenditure. b. Under old business Dr. Miller withdrew his suggestion to enlarge the membership of the Program Committee upon their report that they are most efficient at their present size. c. Faculty are asked to ...