Tho Facility of tho American University in Cairo UNIVfaft&t 1Y ARCHlVtS, A. U. C. LIBRARY Draft Minutes 1:^5 130 SS Monday May 23, 1966 383* Present: Fifty-one (51) members wore present. 384* Minutes of April 13. 1966: Tho minutes of April 13, 1966 wore approved as distributed. 385. Faculty Elections: The following wore oloctod: a. Chairman: Dr. Ishaq Hussaini Vico Chairman: Dr, Frank Tittol Secretary: Dr. John Rodonbock b. Program Committoo: Dr. Holon Constas Mrs. Barbara Gadalla Dr. John Pearso c. Nominating Committoo: Dr. Mohamod El Nowaihi Dr. Loren Tosdeil Dr, Michel Wahba 386. Roport by Doan Shane: Doan Shane discussed topics soon to come before tho Academic Board and University Council, and explained tho final examination proced...