April 25* 1%8 :0 : ALL MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY Special Faculty Meeting 30 April (Tuesday) at 11*00 to 11*50 A.Mo Room 130SS (The Blue Room) It is necessary that some action be taken on the report of the Jy-Laws Revision Committee, a report now one year old, and twice revised* !he proposed revisions should either be accepted or rejected. This requires . majority of the members to be present at a meeting, since, in order to vote n. whether to revise the Faculty By-Laws, it is necessary to have the .pproval of a majority of the members. At the last two meetings of the ‘acuity, fewer than half of the members were present, and a vote was not )0ssibleo To encourage attendance at this meeting, we have chosen a time .t which no classes can be schedu...