U C 0 a MINUTES OP COUNCIL December 15> 1951 10:00 a.m #3310 - PRESENT: Mr* Madison, presiding; Messrs* Beck, Boktor, Coi^x, Gardner, Narnani and Vandersall. Mr* Beck opened the meeting with prayer. 3311 - MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of December 1, 1951 - #3300 to 3309 - were approved as corrected. 3312 - FEXT MEETING: The next meeting of Council will be on Decem- ber 29, 1951 under the chairmanship of Mr* Conn, who will act as Chairman in the absence of Dr. Badeau and Mr* Madison. 3313 - ADJOURNMENT: Council adjourned at 11:15 a.m* W. M. Rauschart Recording Secretary 12/31/5