Lie' {oo. MINUTES OP COUNCIL October 12, 195>0 3:00 p.m. 3176 - PRESENT: Dr. Badeau, presiding; Messrs. Boktor, Conn, Gardner, Howard, Schoonover and Vandersall. 3177 - MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of September 2$, 195>0 - #3166 to 3175 - were approved. 3178 - HOSTEL BUILDING PLANS: Dr. Badeau made a resume of the re- actions of the Trustees’ Building Committee to the Hostel plans of Hassid & Shafik, Architects, recently sent them, and presented three sketches showing various placements of the proposed Hostel and the land required. After a thorough and lengthy discussion of the three plans, it was voted THAT the original proposed three storey Hostel plan on an east-west axis, as submitted, is academically the most desirable for...