I SOME SIGNIFICANT GIFTS RECEIVED DURING THE 1975-1976 FISCAL YEAR (This is an illustrative list; it is not complete, and relies on Burt Wallace's assignment of "significance". Asterisked gifts are first-time contributors. The names in parenthese were especially influential in achieving the gift.) Westinghouse Educational Foundation (Landon K. Thorne) Pfizer-Egypt (Mohamed Allam & Pres. Byrd) ARA~CO (Frank Jungers & Charles Hedlund) Mrs. Lila Acheson Wallace (C. Robert Devine) First National City Bank (Pres. Byrd) Esso Middle East (Charles J. Hedlund) IAmerican Express Foundation Phill i rs Petroleum ,'Iilbisco, Inc. (Pres. Byrd & Joseph Van Vleck) Ford Foundation Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation (Pres. Byrd & Mohamed Allam) Mobil Oil Foundati...