TRUSTEES CORPORATIONS FOUNDATIONS FRIENDS· ALUMNI The 'American University in Cairo Comparison of Contributions between periods September 1, 1976 - April 30, 1977 and September 1, 1977 - April 30, 1978 9/1/76 - 4/30/77 , I $ 54,394 65,156 * 255,800 13,830 135 $ 389.315 ** $ 139.315 9/1/77 - 4/30/78 $ 57,004 93,443 10,000 12,994 2,021 $ 175,462 $ 175,462 * The Foun~ation total for 9/1/76 - 4/30/77 includes the $250.000 grant from the ·L.A.W. Fund. ** Excluding the L.A.W. Fund special gift from this comparison, the total of contri~utions received for the period 9/1/76 - 4/30/77 would be $139,315. The above totals do not include Ford Foundation and government grants and contracts