I· ' • -4- there are no appropria~e site~ available in the near future. The prospects of acquiring th~ Lycee have brightened somewhat, President Thoron reported, but this is at least three years away. The Universit~ will ~ontinue to pursue this, he said. 4. The possibility of pui1ding the new library on the tennis court/ DPS sitE) wa/3 rahed again and ~he objection pr d~sruption to the University's programs and the re1ativ~ undeSir~bi1ity of the site were noted. In this connection, there was discu~sion of alternate sites for the DPS. A U.S. government pa~king lot near AUC is for sale at the high price of LE 90 per square meter. It was agreed that ~t would be a good site for a new combina~ tion DPS-renta~ unit structure. An old palace on the...