J I - 2 - " The President stated that under present grants from AID L.E.280.ooo was allocated for the construction of two new buildings on the present sIte of the UniversIty: a general class~ buIlding and an adjunct to the present maIn buildIng to be used for student servIce center, cafeterIa, etc. In additIon. an unused salary grant of L.E.4g,OOO might be available. Further. he pointed out that L.E.63,OOO for the prevIously approved purchase of a portion of the Greek property and the proposed expendIture for hostels would not be needed If the Greek property were bought 'n total. In making his reccmnendation to the Board that It take favorable actIon on the purchase. PresIdent Bartlett said that the prlnctpal factor InfluencIng hIm was that...