, -3- a scnior husiness and financial officer (currently titled Business l1anager), the Dean of Students, the Director of the Library,and one administrativo officer primarIly responsible for coordinating tho Univa.rsity' 8 acadnmlc and other pro(:rDtil6 undertaken ",ith institutions and orgnni~atlon9 in tha U.S. ~-FAC-ULT-Y }-,-P_PO._IN-'I-'H-E-NT- P-R-OC-J:D-U-RE-S (I) Appoint~nt of Egyptian national faculty, either on secondment, or pc!.rrr.anent, part time or full time will bn governed by the existinc appropriate rules nnd regulations. (2) Appointment of foreign national6 to faculty administrative positions will be made as folloys:- -F-m-~-.NC-I-:-Hi- 'the nama of candidates for appointments will be submitted for agremnent in advance of ...