II Page :3 The ground floor premises will house a :new Reserve Reading Room and Special Collections (Creswell Oollection). The "TowGr" will be occupied by library offices int:ll.l.ding do.::umel'ltation and periodicals. III) Staff: The suggested reorganization at' the staff according to the new divisional set-up. will appear on the appended chart • . A plan for s taff' development wa.s :Lui t.;ia:teo. this year wi t.b. an J\UC grant for one member of the staff to take her M.A. degree in Library Science (specializing in the humanities) at Columbia Universityo We are hopeful that another staff member will go next year f or an M.A. with a social science specialization, and yet another the year following to acquire an M.A. with special trainin...