f 31 October L959 THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO A reauer financial assistance fron the Ford Foundation for a oro~ectP.dl Itgearch and_ Research _T r~nin ~iT I As the attached statement on Nature Punpeups_and P :ggr rn of ?ÿfie: A ricaj ives. 1ty_,AL aAiro will reveal E, the University considers its major opportunity for program extension for the foreseeable future to be on the graduate level, At the same time it is doing everything possible to enrich and strengthen its und, rgr. due e pro.-- gram,, The statement will further reveal that research iz cenoiderc`.i to be a major method of accomplishing ita purposes ois the graduate level. Undoubtedly, the existence of the Social', Research Center ate the University over the past six years ha...