3-Relief Efforts $3,000 WCC (World Council of Churches) $5,000 CROP (Church World Service) 45,000 IWF (Lutheran World Federation $12,000 WCC (World Council of Churches 2,000 BCC (British Council of Churches) 0 3,000 CCC (Canadian Council of Churches) h 4,000 CWS (Church World Service) 3,000 CRS (Catholic Relief Service) $ 3,500 AUC (American University at Cairo) S40,500. Cash contributions are most welcome because they make it possible for the Council to meet specific and immediate needs promptly. Some of the money has already been allocated for the purchase of the following items: $8,500 for the purchase of 1600 kitchen kits for the Port-Said refugees who lost all possessions (Have been delivered) 62,800 for the purchase of 300 tents to ho...