32. X. Costs of Total Improvement Program. for the University Table VI is a consolidation of Tables` IV;and .:V, and ..reveals the total . financial program for the University for the five-year periód beginning in 1956-57. It is to be understood that some of the building..pro jects: ma.y actually be under- .taken beyond the five-year period, but the Table .was . made on the-five-year basis for purpose of comparison. Table VI. Costs of Total Improvement Program for Five Years . 1956-57. 1957-58 . ' 1958-59 1959-60 1964-61 Totals • Request from Foundation Commitment of • University . 41; Ltpo 219, OÓ4 -11:26ó, 000. 2,20r250- $3,727,650). 75,000 ::250, Ó0o. 1,190,000 2 ,112,500 230,000 3,857,500. Totals .1-16,400 4-69, 000 2, 4-50, 000 4,319,7...