1 154-(' As is normal when excess income from exp ,nd~! ng enrollment is received, ex-penscs also exceeded the budgeted figure. The na t ;.n' rease in ?xpena itt r, •i s L.E.677.605, which figure does not take into account the payment of L2.3 9.017 for interest on local loans. `her this figure is added, the income exceeded ex-penditure by L.ÿ.2310.880, or $6932.64, which suri,lus has been returned to the Trustees. .n analysis of expenditure shoos that the largest single item above the budget is found in the School of Oriental Studies. Although tuition fees exceed-ed expectation, they were not enough to absorb the additional expense ana. the de-partment finisned the year with slightly over L.E.150 of uncovered expenditure. The reason for thi...