1 Appendix C. October 29, 1921. BUDGET FOR 1921-22 ESTIMATES OF INCOME AND LÇXP r?DITURES OF THE AMERICAN UNĪVERSITY AT CAIRO July 1, 192-1, to June SO, 1922. 1 1 Income A. Current Expense Account: 1. Estimated Income from Students 30,825. 2. Miscellaneous 400. 3. AMOUNT REQUIRED TO BE RAISED IN AMERICA 66,759. 4. Estimated Gain on Exchange 8,000. Total 105,984. B. Educational Plant Account: AMOTTNT REQUIRED TO BE RAISED IN AMERICA 104,000. Total Income Required (Total to be raised in America $170,759) Expenses 40,440. 9,154. 500. 500. 1,000. 209,984. 51,594 A. Current Expense Account: 1. Departmental Expenses: a. College of Arts and Sciences b. School of Oriental Studies c. School of Education d. School of Agriculture e. University Extensi...