$167,046.47 14,903.11+ 181,949.61 6,559.98 835.81 . . . . . • . 4189,345.40 Budget in USA (12 months. . . . It r, „ 2i u • • 0 . Contributions, General, in USA. • , u N 'i Egypt. . Income on trust and endowment funds . . . 480,572.81 . . . 20,3 2.1 100,9~4.96 . . . 97,379.17 The American University at Cairo STAT DENT OF INCUk.E AND EXPENDITURES Budget Account 1955-56 General Budget for 1955-'6 Cairo Account, 12 months t, U 2 i, Excess expenditures over income, general. . Suburban Property Deficit (Maintenance A/c) Total Cairo Budget Expenditures. . . . . . .44 6, 593.00 • • 7,128.21 53,721.21 Interest on Suburban Property Loans in USA. 3,441.28 57,162.49 Total Expenditures Current Account 1955-56 424 ,507.89 Receipts for Current Account: 19...