Board Minutes Page 2. 11-24-50 6 60 . REPORT OF THE In Mr. Steele's absence, Mr. Madison presented. this Re- TREASURra port (page 4 through 9 of the docket) and expressed Mr. Steele's greetings and his very keen regret that he could not attend the meeting. The financial statements were reviewed as presented. In response to a question by Mr. Thornton, Mr. Gillespie reported for the Sub-committee on Investments that about 60% of the University's funds were invested in preferred stocks and equities and about 40;0 in bonds, and that our current yield for 1949-50 was 4.3. It was suggested thnt in view of present conditions it might be advisable to invest more heavily in ,_ ;o od. cor-mon stocks. After discussion, it was voted THAT the Finance Co...