1 be appointed for a period of three years commencing with September 1945, at the revised salary and allowances, and THAT Mr. Walter Morris, a graduate of Bucknell University and Crozer Sem-inary, be given a similar appointment beginning with October 1945. (2) THAT the Trustees approve the membership of the Council for 1944-45 as follows: John S. Badeau, President and Chairman of Council, W. Wendell Cleland, Director of the Division of Extension and Vice- Bursar, C. C. Adams, Dean of the S.O.S. and Secretary of Council, Harlan D. Conn, Bursar, Harold B. Smith, Chief representative of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, H. W. Vandersall, additional Faculty representative, Amir Boktor, Chairman of the Faculty of Education. (3) THAT the Trustees...