At the beginning, the European integration was entirely market-oriented, therefore social policy had no major role in shaping the future of the region. The social progress was perceived as the spontaneous outcome of the overall economic growth. Nonetheless, throughout the years the competence of the EU in the social domain had gradually expanded and resulted in the recognition of social rights with the adoption of the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997. The status of social rights have been further consolidated within the Community legal system and became equally important to the establishment of the internal market since the Treaty of Lisbon came into effect. The European Court of Justice, when dealing with the restrictions of economic freedoms, ...
Prijedlogom Uredbe od 30. lipnja 2005. godine Europska komisija je predložila uspostavljanje Agencij...
Nakon osnivanja Europske ekonomske zajednice prepreka slobodnu kretanju roba i usluga te poštena trž...
Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi čimbenike koji utječu na zaštitu prava stranke u upravnom sporu. Uprav...
The article focuses on the concept of public policy, enshrined in „Brussels I“ regulation, and on a ...
Omogućavanje slobode kretanja radnika unutar Europske unije u funkciji stvaranja i jačanja unutarnje...
This paper examines the relationship between internal market freedoms and fundamental rights protect...
The problem is that intellectual property rights are still in harmonization process in European Unio...
This article focuses on the transposition of the European social partners’ agreements into national ...
This article examines the problems related to the application of the the right to an effective reme...
The economic crisis that shook the world in 2008 has affected the social and economic status of many...
Ugovorom o Europskoj Uniji fokusirana je nastojanje da se dimenzije ekonomske, monetarne i političke...
Asociacijų laisvės principas yra neatsiejama kiekvienos demokratinės valstybės dalis. Iš šio princip...
U pokušaju određivanja osnovnih integracijskih pretpostavki za uspješnost suživota u novonastajućoj ...
Narodi Europe, stvarajući sve povezaniju uniju među sobom, odlučni su dijeliti miroljubivu budućnost...
By signing the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and the...
Prijedlogom Uredbe od 30. lipnja 2005. godine Europska komisija je predložila uspostavljanje Agencij...
Nakon osnivanja Europske ekonomske zajednice prepreka slobodnu kretanju roba i usluga te poštena trž...
Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi čimbenike koji utječu na zaštitu prava stranke u upravnom sporu. Uprav...
The article focuses on the concept of public policy, enshrined in „Brussels I“ regulation, and on a ...
Omogućavanje slobode kretanja radnika unutar Europske unije u funkciji stvaranja i jačanja unutarnje...
This paper examines the relationship between internal market freedoms and fundamental rights protect...
The problem is that intellectual property rights are still in harmonization process in European Unio...
This article focuses on the transposition of the European social partners’ agreements into national ...
This article examines the problems related to the application of the the right to an effective reme...
The economic crisis that shook the world in 2008 has affected the social and economic status of many...
Ugovorom o Europskoj Uniji fokusirana je nastojanje da se dimenzije ekonomske, monetarne i političke...
Asociacijų laisvės principas yra neatsiejama kiekvienos demokratinės valstybės dalis. Iš šio princip...
U pokušaju određivanja osnovnih integracijskih pretpostavki za uspješnost suživota u novonastajućoj ...
Narodi Europe, stvarajući sve povezaniju uniju među sobom, odlučni su dijeliti miroljubivu budućnost...
By signing the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and the...
Prijedlogom Uredbe od 30. lipnja 2005. godine Europska komisija je predložila uspostavljanje Agencij...
Nakon osnivanja Europske ekonomske zajednice prepreka slobodnu kretanju roba i usluga te poštena trž...
Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi čimbenike koji utječu na zaštitu prava stranke u upravnom sporu. Uprav...