Site number 1. Glen Canyon Dam; authorized for construction, 1956. 2. Mile 45.5 River Map Sheet D, left bank, history unknown, Indian trail; log dugway and horse trail cut in steep rock providing access from open country above to river bar. (Fig. 8) 3. Mile 49.8 River Map Sheet D, left bank, Indian horse trail to river bar from open country above discovered by Bernheimer expedition 1921; log dugway at base of trail and steps cut into steep rock. 4. Mile 50.7 River Map Sheet D, left bank; visited by Bernheimer expedition 1921; inscriptions of John Wetherill, guide for party; dated 1921, also 1931 on cliff wall, archeological site. (Fig. 47) 5. On Last Chance Creek about 1 3/4 mile from mouth, sec. 10 T43S R6E SLBM; history unknown, probably...